Applying DecoVeno Stucco Veneziano
The application surface must be dry, dust-free and free from all kinds of dirt. DECOMIN DECOVENO STUCCO is applied to the surface in 1 or 2 coats with a steel trowel. After 24 hours, the surface is sanded with fine sandpaper. Then, the desired effect is applied on the material with a spatula or trowel on the surface. After complete drying , polishing is done with a steel trowel . It is recommended to use Decomin wax as the last layer for a glassy shine on the surface. Ambient temperature should be between +5 °C and +30 °C.
Colour Range
Decoveno Stucco Veneziano is available in a white base colour and also in various colours. See examples of projects completed with Decoveno below.